07 September 2008

Stop Breeding: A Note to the Moronic

About a century ago man decided to begin the process of total detachment from the natural processes of cosmic order and sacred tradition. Ever sense he has grown in number, physical and mental illness, body mass and overall destructive vileness (environmental, social, spiritual, governmental or otherwise), whilst losing entirely any sense of meaning in existence beyond the amount of things one owns and the amount of nifty stuff these things can do.

When the quantitative or material realities are regarded higher than the qualitative or metaphysical ones, such as is reflected in the prevalent modern world view, the result is an increase in number and a decrease in quality. In the realm of human reproduction this means there is a growing number of stupid people and a shrinking number of capable ones. The result? Recourses, environmental and intellectual, are depleted, strained and ultimately gobbled up by a massive swarm of idiotic Untermenschen. This is obviously a stupid thing to support. So don't.
Support this:

And others at inertiacide.com

Fortunately, the numbers will eventually run their course and the stupid will simply be killed off by their own retarded institutions:

But, if they're determined to fall so triumphantly, why not help by pushing them faster when climbing over them?

Stop Breeding



Anonymous said...

Seems to me modern institutions are designed precisely to coddle and promote the breeding of "stupids". That's basic Nietzsche, isn't it? So I don't know why you fall back on the petty-darwinian revenge fantasy that they'll "simply be killed off". Vast agglomerations of humanity are never simply killed off: not your "stupids", not six-million Jews, not heathen negroes in Darfur.

And why counsel to "stop breeding"? because we need even fewer whites and even more unwhites? Ain't like white people haven't already absorbed this primary lesson of the Jewish metanarrative. Or is "anti-semitism" antipathetic to you because Nietzsche was "just having all anti-Semites shot"?

Shayne said...

My opinions has changed since this posting and I'm not inclined to defend this view. Though I'm curious about your comments on anti-Semitism.