04 January 2008

Navarrette Narrative

On CNN’s website, some dingbat looking dude was paid to give his boring, Big Mac opinion about immigration [link]: nothing new, nothing inspired; a sprinkle of NaCl in the Great Salt Lake. In cases such as these an intellectual void is created and reader commentary is allotted the potential of greater insight. One such comment tickled my fancy and showed how “professionals” aren’t necessarily superior to bright hobbyists (bottommost comment):

"...I can't wait to see what happens when Arizonans realize that the same folks who built all those resorts, restaurants, and houses are no longer around to maintain them."

I remember back in the day, before the time of illegal immigrants, there were no restaurants, resorts, or houses. In fact, I can recall living in a field and wondering to myself, "What am I to do? I have no resort, no restaurant, and no house." Then along came a group of illegal immigrants and they built me a house, a restaurant and a resort - right there in the field. I was so happy. They planted a tree for me too.
People like Ruben Navarrette Jr. deserve to be mocked. Lucky for us they make themselves and their “erudite” opinions public. If you find such people or their nincompoop disciples in your own professional or personal life, feel free—I give you permission—to dig at their shallowly construed identities. It’s tons of fun, I promise.


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